Friday, July 11, 2014

Possible Revamp Coming Soon

I know it's been a very long time since I was here.  There was a huge upheaval in my personal life, and believe it or not, I'm only now feeling like things are falling back into place.  Another reason I backed off from this blog was due to a severe sense of disheartenment.  For a while it felt like every time I'd review something, the publishing company would fold shortly after.  Tokypop severely downsized their titles, go!Comi disappeared almost overnight, and DC did away with their manga line, CMX.  A lot of other publishers disappeared, too, and some merged, dropping titles right and left.  (I'm looking at YOU Del Rey/Kodansha!  Toto was a cute series!  What gives?!)

Anyway, as a manga lover, these were all severe blows to me, and in many ways it invalidated a lot of the work I'd put into this site.  After all, what good is a library-based review for a book that's out of print and can't be purchased via distributors?  I'm not going to take those reviews down because they still represent my writing and my work.  And who knows, maybe someone will still get some use out of them.  In the meantime, I would like to start working on reviews again.  Since half of my collection is technically defunct, it will take me more time to sort through what's still in print and what's not.

Right now I'm planning to work on three different selections - Darker Than Black, Boy Princess, & Kitchen Princess.  I was trying to balance it out, and give y'all some shounen and some shoujo, with a little shounen-ai thrown in for good measure...until I realized I don't have all that many shounen series.  And the ones I do have are the SUPER popular ones like Naruto and Bleach that you can find reviews for pretty much everywhere.  Anyway, I can't promise to keep it balanced, but I will do my best based off of what I currently own.  Thank you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yet Another Apology

So, here I am issuing yet another apology for lack of updates.  :(  However I have a very good excuse - two things happened at once: 

1)  My library decided to do some serious shuffling.  I was transferred to a new location, which means a much longer commute for me and less blog time.  I'm also still trying to adjust to the new environment...with mixed success.  ^_^;

2)  I was asked by the Director of Library Services in our school district to put together a presentation on the Maverick Graphic Novel list, which has 54 titles...all of which I have to read before June 7th.  ^_^;  I can do it...(I'd planned to do it on my own anyway) but it's going to mean some serious prioritizing and not as much happening here until it's over.  

So, please stay with me until all this happens.  I've got Cirque Du Freak Volumes 4 & 5 ready to review when I find a few spare minutes and I'm working on reading through Black Sun, Silver Moon so I can start reviewing on it soon, too.

As always, if you have any questions or requests, please feel free to contact me.  And remember, requests for specific titles will always take precedence over any other series I happen to be working on at the time.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New vs.Old?

So, I've been doing some contemplating...this may be a silly question to ask, since I know that at the moment very few people (if any) are coming to this blog to get help with their manga purchases.  However, I realize that I've come across a dilemma.  I tend to focus on older series, ones which I feel haven't gotten enough attention or at the very least deserve to have some readers, but I'm beginning to wonder if I should be focusing on newer titles instead.  Titles that are more likely to draw in new readers who are looking into the "hottest new series" that their teens have been requesting.  So far, I've tried not to choose any that are completely out of print, but I enjoy covering series that are completed, especially since, with the economy going up and down that way that it has been, it's possible that incomplete series may STAY incomplete. (This is one of my largest frustrations.)

Anyway, for those (very few) of you who have read, are reading, or happen to be passing by this blog, what's your opinion?  Would you prefer older, completed series to be covered here, or is it the newer stuff that you're wanting to see?  Should I just try to balance it out a bit more with some of each?  I'm already working to even out the shojo vs. shonen titles...somewhat sucessfully, but now I'm thinking I might be needing to do that with the newer and older stuff, too.

Please feel free to comment here or message me privately.  Thanks!  :)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Quick Note...

Hello everyone!  This is just a quick note to let you know I've added a new link to the blog's side bar.  It will send you to a section of my LibraryThing account which lists the first volume of all the different series I currently have access to.  I've added this to give you a quick reference guide when making requests regarding which series you'd like me to review.

That doesn't mean I WON'T review something not on my list, just that it will take more time for me to complete, since I'll have to track the title down from somewhere else.  It's also possible that I missed adding something to the list, so requesting the title you need might help me with updates, too.  :)

In addition to the side bar, I'm going to include the link here for redundancy's sake.
Readily Available Titles

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Batman: Death Mask - Overall Impressions

I have to admit I was really excited when I first found out about this compilation.  After X-men: Misfits and Wolverine: Prodigal Son, I was very interested to see what the manga format would do for Batman.  While not exactly what I expected, I can't say I was disappointed either.  The juxtaposition between Batman's costume and the oni of Japanese legend was a very clever connection to make and Natsume uses the idea well.  The whole concept of masks and "face stealing" is also creepily cool...although almost too graphic for my personal tastes.  The story moves a bit fast in some places, which might cause some minor confusion with readers, but overall it's pretty seamless, and the plot itself, while a bit predictable here and there, was still intriguing to watch unfold.

As for the artwork, I truly enjoyed it - especially the brush-like quality of the dream/illusion/legend sequences and the awesome battle sequences.  The lines were smooth and clean throughout and the characters were nicely executed.  My only complaint, and it's a very minor one, is that Bruce Wayne looked a bit too old...but that's just my personal tastes.

Overall, I'd have to say that this stand-alone graphic novel would make an excellent addition to any Young Adult collection.  It's great for introducing fans of manga to an American graphic novel icon, but also for the opposite reason - introducing Batman fans to the world of manga.  Plus, because it's a one-shot comic, you don't have to worry about keeping up with a bunch of different volumes.  You just can't really lose with this one. 

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Batman: Death Mask

Volume:  1 of 1
Author:Yoshinori Natsume
Type: Ameri-manga, OEL
Publisher: CMX
Genres:  Action/Adventure
Age Rating: Teen, Age 13+

Public Libraries - Location Suggestion
The best spot would probably be in your Young Adult collection.

School Libraries - Location Suggestion
Elementary - Not recommended
Jr. High/Middle School - Possibly, it depends on your community
High School - This should do just fine in a high school setting; the rating is mostly for violence.
According to the Publisher - What the Age Rating Means
The age rating for this volume was selected by me; I couldn't find the publisher's actual rating, but based off of the story's content (mostly the violence) I feel the 13+ rating is the most appropriate one.

Parental Eyebrow Raisers 
 - I only noticed a couple of curse word in this volume - dammit, bastard - but it's possible I missed a few in scanning.

 - Three men get into a fight, a gun is fired, a small amount of blood is shown
 - A man and woman are shown on the ground with blood pooled around them
 - A man has the front of his face sliced off; the scene is very graphic and blood is shown
 - A couple of men are shown with bloody noses
 - A man's body is shown, and the front of his face has clearly been sliced from his head
 - Many display cases are shown, each holding the preserved sliced-off face of a human
 - A man is shown vomiting
 - A man is shown "wearing" the sliced-off face of another man, which peels off and falls to the floor
 - Walking skeletons in samurai armor are shown
 - A man is shown being stabbed in the gut, some blood is seen
 - A man tears a cursed mask off of his face, which rips at his flesh, a good amount of blood is shown
Bella Online