Illustrator: Joanna Estep
Type: Ameri-Manga, OEL
School Libraries - Location Suggestion
According to the Publisher - What the Age Rating Means
Parental Eyebrow Raisers
- The main characters are teenagers - they curse; it's not a lot but it stands out (ex. bitch, damn, whore, etc.)
- One of the main characters is missing an eye; it's just an empty socket
- A boat filled with people is blown up and then sinks
- The two main characters get into a knockdown, drag-out brawl
- A man is shown beating up on a woman; a little blood is shown
- A man is shown being pistol-whipped
- The main characters are attacked and one of them is shot in the leg; very little blood is shown
Alcohol/Drug References
- The underage main characters attend a party and drink heavily - to the point of drunkenness
Non-sexual Nudity
- An older man in a hospital gown is depicted running; his backside plainly visible
- Two teenagers making out, the girl's bra is removed and we see her torso in profile, including the nipple; she's never shown full frontal
- A girl in only her underclothes is shown laying on top of a guy, who proceeds to take off her bra; nothing graphic is shown, but it's obvious what's about to happen
- A girl and guy are shown shown laying under a cover together; nudity is suggested, but not shown
- Upper, frontal female nudity is suggested, but not shown
- A guy is shown in nothing but his boxers
- An extremely cartoonized drawing of a female nude is depicted - nipples and all
- The two main characters get a job playing music at a strip club
- A girl is shown in very fancy lingerie trying to seduce one of the main characters
- Scattered sexual references abound
IGN: UK Edition