So, here I am issuing yet another apology for lack of updates. :( However I have a very good excuse - two things happened at once:
1) My library decided to do some serious shuffling. I was transferred to a new location, which means a much longer commute for me and less blog time. I'm also still trying to adjust to the new environment...with mixed success. ^_^;
2) I was asked by the Director of Library Services in our school district to put together a presentation on the Maverick Graphic Novel list, which has 54 titles...all of which I have to read before June 7th. ^_^; I can do it...(I'd planned to do it on my own anyway) but it's going to mean some serious prioritizing and not as much happening here until it's over.
So, please stay with me until all this happens. I've got Cirque Du Freak Volumes 4 & 5 ready to review when I find a few spare minutes and I'm working on reading through Black Sun, Silver Moon so I can start reviewing on it soon, too.
As always, if you have any questions or requests, please feel free to contact me. And remember, requests for specific titles will always take precedence over any other series I happen to be working on at the time.